Nice choice – you have great taste in plants. Quick Turn. Variegated Pagoda Dogwood. When do you ship, and what size ? Truly a multi-season tree not to be missed! GOLDEN SHADOWS PAGODA DOGWOOD TREE Golden Shadows® Cornus alternifolia, in particular, is a plant that brings me a great deal of joy. Pruning Naturally strong horizontal habit needs little, if any pruning to attain a pleasing shape. } - Variegated foliage is colorful and and bright. Becomes small tree with pruning. In cool weather, the new growth may display tones of pink. Dan Bernarcik at Chanticleer Garden shows off one of his favorite small trees, Cornus alternifolia Golden Shadows®. A wide, gold margin surrounds the emerald green center and new growth is often infused with hints of reddish-orange. We have  seasonal full-time and part-time positions available. Golden Shadowsâ„¢ Dogwood has outstanding coleus-like yellow and green leaves Pagoda dogwood is native to eastern North America, from Newfoundland west to southern Manitoba and Minnesota, and south to northern Florida and Mississippi. Its average texture blends into the landscape, but can be balanced by one or two finer or coarser trees or … Golden Shadows Dogwood Zone 3#2 $29.956' 6' A selection of Pagoda Dogwood. Click here to see an overview of our Current Features & Specials. if( object == undefined ) object = "g-recaptcha"; Cornus alternifolia Golden Shadows™ | White Flower Farm The common name for Cornus alternifolia, Pagoda Dogwood, comes from the graceful, horizontal branching habit of this small tree. Buy Golden Shadows® Dogwood online. Keep roots cool and moist. Then unique variegated leaves will fill in. { A great choice for the smaller garden, the Gold-variegated Pagoda Dogwood, Cornus alternifolia Golden Shadows, is a small, slow-growing deciduous tree with an elegant, narrow habit and beautiful, tiered branches.The leaves are oval, emerging scarlet in spring, soon turning green and gold-variegated, and gaining copper tints in autumn. Pagoda Dogwood (Cornus alternifolia 'W. The Golden Shadow Pagoda Dogwood is an open multi-stemmed deciduous shrub with a stunning habit of growth which features almost oriental horizontally-tiered branches. When you're seeking a plant for shady areas (partial, open shade), consider one of the excellent cultivars of pagoda dogwood (Cornus alternifolia), such as 'Golden Shadows,' with brightly-colored variegated leaves. CLICK HERE to see our employment page for details on these positions and how to apply. It is also small, rarely growing over 12 feet (3.5 m.) tall. If you selected "Other" above, please enter your business type here. (Dogwood) Golden Shadows ® Cornus is an outstanding new variegated selection of ‘Pagoda’ dogwood with bright, golden-yellow, variegated foliage. Si se está preguntando cómo cultivar un árbol de las Sombras Doradas, comience por controlar su clima. Newly released, it’s noted for large heart-shaped leaves of … Japanese Forrest Grass, Hakonechloa 6. 4 Dogwood tree 5. jQuery(". Top reasons to grow Golden Shadows pagoda dogwood: - Strongly horizontal branching gives it year-round presence and beauty. No le va bien en las regiones cálidas. Stackman'): GOLDEN SHADOWS pagoda dogwood features variegated foliage -- wide golden margins with a splash of deep green in the center. This species is native to the Chicago region according to Swink and Wilhelm's Plants of the Chicago Region, with updates made according to current research. In spring, the deciduous trees bear lacy, white flowers and the green centered, bright yellow foliage often takes on pink tones when temperatures are cooler. Deer resistant, Foliage interest, Alkaline soil, Clay soil, Tree, Native, Filters: The plant's common name derives from the tiered, pagoda-like shape of the growth habit, and the Latin species name derives from the alternate position of the leaves on the stems. A big bold gold margin surrounds the emerald green center. P: 800-633-8859 P: 616-846-4729 F: 800-224-1628, © 2020 Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc. Botanical genus: Cornus, Golden Shadows Pagoda Dogwood is a large shrubs / small tree that looks to us as if it will be slightly smaller than the common Pagoda Dogwood – likely maturing to about 8′-10′ feet in ten years. document.reCAPTCHAv2 = reCAPTCHAv2; Plant of the Week: Plant of the Week: Golden Shadows® Cornus, Grower Sheet: Golden Shadows Cornus Grower Sheet. Golden canker is a common disease of pagoda dogwood. How much are your golden shadow dogwoods? Growth spreads horizontally bearing unique alternate leaves. SKU. Pagoda Dogwood can be found in the cool climates of Eastern North America. }; The bright gold variegation of the new leaves each spring will light up the garden for about 5-6 weeks, and gradually turn to a more muted yellow/green as he heat of summer sets in. "+object) : document.getElementsByClassName(object); his spring Deb and I have  been enjoying the graceful layered form and eye-popping gold leaf color of our Golden Shadows Pagoda Dogwood. Golden Shadows ® is a beautiful pagoda dogwood (Cornus alternifolia) noted for its distinctive color and elegant, horizontal habit. It is also an attractive plant. 2 1/4", May 12, 2012 - dogwood golden shadows, for backyard or sideyard Landscape Design and Construction Services. The branches spread wide, making the mature tree almost as wide as it is tall. Rich woodlands and forest margins in moist well-drained soils[82]. Apr 3, 2016 - Pagoda Dogwood Cornus alternifolia 'W. grecaptcha.render(object[i], { If your Golden Shadows receives some direct sun part of the day from the high angled summer sun, but has long winter shadows from trees or a structure that spares it from intense winter sun exposure, it will likely prosper. Terms & Conditions. A small deciduous tree growing to 25 feet, with a … Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. White flowers, (P.P.11287) Offers something to enjoy in every season. Attractive lacy white flowers in spring add to its charm. USDA Zone 3, USDA Zone 4, USDA Zone 5, USDA Zone 6, USDA Zone 7, USDA Zone 8, 4", Pagoda Dogwood Information Pagoda dogwood (Cornus alternifolia) is a large shrub or small tree for a garden or backyard. Exposure: Part sun, Stackman'Family Cornaceae – Dogwood familyTrade name: Golden Shadowsâ„¢ Custom Search Golden Shadowsâ„¢ Dogwood has outstanding coleus-like yellow and green leaves Pagoda dogwood is native to eastern North America, from Newfoundland west to southern Manitoba and Minnesota, and south to northern Florida and Mississippi. Be the first to review this product. Solomon Seal, Polygonatum. A new form of Wedding Cake Tree. Soil Prefers moist, acidic, well drained soil and filtered shade. Features: Golden Shadows Pagoda Dogwood is a large shrubs / small tree that looks to us as if it will be slightly smaller than the common Pagoda Dogwood – likely maturing to about 8′-10′ feet in ten years. Golden Shadows ‘Pagoda Dogwood’ Cornus alternifolia Light up a shady area with this stunning Pagoda Dogwood! A brilliant small tree horizontally branched, this pagoda dogwood deserves a special place in your home landscape. The Golden Shadow Pagoda Dogwood is an open multi-stemmed deciduous shrub with a stunning habit of growth which features almost oriental horizontally-tiered branches. ... Golden Shadows Pagoda Dogwood . if( object.length == undefined ) object = [object]; for( var i = 0; i

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