And now what are you going to do about all those unsuspecting diabetics you POISONED? This pita and the lavash by Joseph's was recommended. Now, he can eat his precious sandwiches on grain-free bread and avoid all that inflammation. /r/keto is place to share thoughts, ideas, benefits, and experiences around eating within a Ketogenic lifestyle. As a working woman (2 jobs, 60 hrs a week) supporting a very ill young husband, I really appreciate their almond and coconut flour breads, which before were a great hardship to make from scratch for my picky, sick husband. To that I say: bollocks. I tried a paleobread and it was just... so terrible ._. for anyone who needs more than that all they have to do is buy the bread and have it tested. 6:15am 106 I ended up throwing it all out eventually. The desserts were the worst - lacked flavored, mushy/squishy consistency and wierd aftertaste. Believe me this is the envy and dream of every company worldwide. 503-282-1299. If in July of 2011 the Julian Bakery had over 100,000 mostly DIABETIC CUSTOMERS how the hell many did he have another year later in July of 2012? I hope most of you know whenever, wherever, and whatever I have written in any of several places that I always identify myself including contact information-so, this is me Deborah Krueger, writing to let you know what has happened in the last several months regarding the Heath Squier-Julian Bakery vs Deborah Krueger lawsuit. Yeah, I posted a comment further down in this thread about it. The United States food and drug monstrosities have become a very sad state-of-affairs not only for us but for most of the rest of the world, let alone the abuse that the diabetic and low carb communities have been dealt. And as we know that this is what happens, this post will also pass and people will forget or lose interest which is why I feel it is important continuing to let people know. It's good to hear from you, Julian Bakery shill. ThinSlim Foods Love-the-Taste Low Carb Bagels are hand crafted with a revolutionary dough that has a consistency similar to full carb bagels. Sound familiar? Our Keto Thin® Bread has the perfect keto macros, boasts 12g of healthy fat, and 8g of protein. Or maybe…Heath still had a stash of Pure Wraps that he took from Todd. But I will say this; I would love to have been a fly on the paperwork as Heath lied his way into Whole Foods. The everything bagel and everything bread toppings are now mixed into the dough prior to being baked - hence, … I don't usually gain weight unless I over eat by A LOT (like a lot means whole jar of peanut butter and half a pizza over a weekend). Heath pays about $.25 - $1.00 and sometimes even more on a heavily trafficked website each time a click to his website is made. If it tastes like bread.. its bread.. its not low carb! I’m starting the New Year 2014 off with a bang. The words “Net carb” on the packaging is enough to make me suspicious. I wouldn't use it for sandwiches though, it tastes like gluten free bread which means it isnt that great untoasted. As Dr. Eenfeldt has given this post the title GIVE JULIAN BAKERY WHAT THEY DESERVE this is how each of you, individually, can cost Heath Squier and the Julian Bakery a little money and it is so easy. If you look at “all their reviews” they are all endorsing three or four Julian Bakery products and not much else. i used it as stated in my comment, and had results as reported. It is the closest thing that you can buy that almost, kinda sorta, maybe if I close my eyes and don't think about it, taste like real bread. Fast forward nearly 3 years to July 18th, 2013 to a hurried and ridiculously pithy interview with Gary Collins where Heath pleads ignorance. Texture? no one product works for everybody. I received my sampler about a week ago and I plan on buying pasta, bread, and bagels from now on. i lost 25lbs eating 2-3 slices of this bread was like no other bread i've had before or since. 1,590 Total Hits Julian Bakery Info since launched on 08/21/13 THANK YOU!!!! Of course you would'nt [sic]....grains are grains...Diabetics beware, if you eat this stuff you're eating bread that will spike your blood sugar. Seriously, I doubt that Gary Collins would be the final word on anything though he touts himself all over the internet as a “Former FDA Special Agent”. this bakery has NO customer service please do not get there bread!! (self.keto). They are either blatantly and falsely mis-labeled as in the case of Julian Bakery or the lists of ingredients are not correct and whoever labels the products can just put anything they want. Better health and weight loss is achieved by eating real food low carb. [–]mihappy[S] 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (2 children). 6:45am 121 I notice that the Omega Power Bread is the only bread you have for sale but you talk about other breads on your website. There are so many fraudulently labeled low carb products as to boggle the mind. So the bottom line is: If Gary Collins (and others) is shilling for Julian Bakery (and Heath Squier) on Amazon why in the world would you believe Gary Collins in the interview mentioned above? I only went to my local shop and they recommended it I tried it I enjoy the bread and it seems to work. I found them gross, lacking in flavor and they have a bizarre consistency. Your truth is not my truth. Come hell or high water he would have to see it through and the outcome could be pretty ugly. What’s The Taste Of Thin Slim Foods? This is quite an interesting story. I love their cinnamon bagels! These ThinSlim low carb bagels are perfect for those … Heath goes on: “Needless to say, we were extremely sorry that our nutritional information was wrong”. The Ketogenic Diet is a low carbohydrate method of eating. These are made from the same dough as our bread. (Gary Collins is an I’ll rub your back if you’ll rub my back buddy of Heath’s). I love it , [–]mihappy[S] 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children), [–]dh19715'9" SW 240 - CW 209.0 - GW 170 2 points3 points4 points 2 years ago (4 children). Where were the thanks 14 months ago when I brought all this to his attention? The loaf has a complete ring 1/4 “ of very dark, rather tough crust. My husband recently had to give up gluten as well after being diagnosed with late stage, neurological lyme disease. It's the best tasting bread I've had since going gluten free 14 years ago, it tastes like granary bread as it's seeded., [–]ketokate-oKETO MOD F/29/5’3” 195/135/happy 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children). [–]romancement 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children), Ew this sounds exactly like the one I had. Just my feedback. There are some of the usual suspects and probably some you have never heard of. Of course we all know that Heath had never had any of his breads tested until I came along. , [–]Taakos_good-outHere 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (1 child). Thanks. i totally agree, john...totally. 3.) How to Start - Checklist for starting Keto. You might start by scouring Jimmy Moore’s website. Do not solicit or offer medical advice on this subreddit. Also it taste dryer and blander than real bread. A stone from David between your eyes. Deborah, I saw you on Fox 5 regarding Carb Crunchers bread and bagels. My attorney spoke with the head honcho attorney of Whole Foods and he was assured I did not interfere with anything. She was really strict with everything; I admire her strength. In addition, they advertise no effect on blood sugar. Can't tell you how happy i am for you, a modern 'David' making a modern day 'Goliath' responsible for their false advertising. I want to keep doing keto for the rest of my life and it would be nice to have something like this every once in while. How do you find it gross? (I have a list of them in California) Remember this: in a class action lawsuit no one pays any attorney fees. I asked if it was accurate, and told them that I had gained weight from her food (in a very nice manner by the way) and surprise! I also got a pack of bagels. If it looks like bread, feels like bread and tastes like bread, that means it is bread. It's time we rewarded those who truly ARE doing what they should! JavaScript must be enabled in your browser to log in! It's hard to know and I don't want to buy something that is crappy and will take me out of ketosis. It uses almond flour, and doesn't claim any UN-digestible carbs. His only problem was his timing. [–]rharmelink62, M, 6'5, T2 | SW 650, CW 463, GW 240 | >120p, <20c 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (1 child). That sounds a bit… unlikely. Our most popular low carb bagels with some goodness baked inside for extra flavor! I contacted her page on fb, she gave me a cookie cutter response with a link to her calorie PDF (which I had already seen). my local market couldn't keep it in stock there was such a huge i don't know who you are, christoph dollis. Your mileage my vary, but I consider these to be instrumental to my success. I am wondering if they are for sale also. It sounds like this has some mixed reviews but I want to at least give it a try. Really? - Thank You”. It's the most ridiculous statement I've ever read. I BELIEVE this bread is low carb. Is ThinSlim Foods Zero Carb Bread Keto Friendly? 445,307 Total Hits One Website Video as of 12/10/13 The texture is eggy, there is no flavor and just overall it does not taste good. Has anyone tried ThinSlim zero carb bread? Will give the bagels a try. May try it at least once. my local market couldn't keep it in stock there was such a huge. Honest review. I don't do well on wheat, but I do eat the Julian's Bakery coconut flour and almond flour breads. This was aired Sept 10th, 2012, Deborah Krueger ThinSlim now has a new line of breads called "Love the Taste" (they still have their original line, "Love the Waist, which tasted just okay). The new line of bagels and bread are really tasty. In the end I have won in that I maintain my rights to free speech, my integrity is in tact, and most importantly I keep my FREEDOM. To produce any rye bread with acceptable volume, not more than 20 percent dark rye flour, 30 percent medium rye flour, and 40 percent light rye flour can be used in the formula. Shipping is free if you order over $100. Keto Thin® Bread has a pound cake like texture with a slight sweet vanilla taste. This is absolutely NOT about how good or how bad the Julian Bakery bread was or tasted and it is totally about Heath Squier knowingly targeting and marketing falsely labeled breads to people who believed those labels. Personally I take amazon reviews with a grain of salt. We can also clearly see such non-keto friendly ingredients like Quinoa. Many others I have given my bread to ) I order 6-7-8 loves at a time) said the same thing. Otherwise, it's a flat $6.99 shipping charge. Well I have. it is a fairly big loaf though so it is worth the money imo. Sodium ions are basic in reaction while the chloride ions are acidic and they are together responsible for the acid base equilibrium in the body. White bread flour must be used in the formula so enough gluten can be formed to hold the gas during fermentation, and to form the structure of the texture. There is a lot of information including Dreamfields Pastas, graphs for each product I have glucose tested (12), lab result comparisons, videos, personal information, and a whole host of other stuff. : ), Issac never answered the question about whether he buys this as a mix and adds his own water and yeast or whether he indeed did come up with the formula himself for his diabetic grandmother. Some of you may not agree and that is OK and certainly your right. [–]kdeezey 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (1 child). Seems to me that if the Pure Wraps papers are brown and the Paleo Wraps papers are white, which ones are really bleached and which ones are not? I finished the bag but would never order again. LOW CARB Avocado Toast & Thin Slim Foods Bread Review - Duration: 9:27. lil Piece of Hart * … After eating 2 pieces of bread? did he take it before eating? 5: No self-promotion. I made a much better one. A lot of the instagram keto personalities advertise it too so they definitely have a good marketing team and it’s a good way to see how people use the products. This was aired March 13th, 2013, And this is another story-video Arnold Diaz did regarding EatRite products. By interacting with this site, you agree to our disclaimer. Deborah Krueger I'm not diabetic, but it's in my family so I only eat low carb. Since I am on the internet all the time I used to just be irritated by the JB ads and closed them-but now? Most left me feeling a bit bloated afterwards, especially the bread. 1.) The point is that all manufacturers aren’t liars. I have been silent and I have been busy. Simply educate people to read ingredient labels. Turned golden like normal bread and … Sami’s Low Carb 7 Grain Fiber Bread Sami’s Low Carb 7 Grain Fiber Bread In closing, and yes everything ends at some point, I would like to thank you all again for your support. They are paid out of settlement proceeds because it is the attorney (or many attorneys) who do the work and post all the upfront monies. 22,218 Total Hits All Other Website Videos as of 12/10/13 Last I knew, you couldn't make bread with just flaxseed meal, rye meal, gluten, water, yeast and salt. I will never buy anything from them again and I do not recommend anything from the bakery. It is on its way via Fedex and due to arrive on Saturday. I have ask them to please go back to the old formula with no response. Thank you Dennis, we have send a free sample to Deborah to test the bread we are looking forward for her comments. [–]mihappy[S] 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (1 child), [–]ReverseLazarusKETO MOD SD: Nov 2017 - 34F/SW215/CW135 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children), My pleasure. [–]romancement 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (5 children), [–]ketogirlfromucf30/F/5'6" SW: 230 CW: 169 GW: 140 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (3 children), [–]romancement 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (2 children). I was just some poor old woman who could easily be squashed like a bug with a little (ill-gotten) Julian Bakery money. I ordered the sample pack plus bagels after seeing dozens of great reviews on Facebook but since then I’ve also noticed a ton more negative reviews so it’s more of a mixed bag now. ThinSlim Foods Love-the-Taste Low Carb Bagels are hand crafted with a revolutionary dough that has a consistency similar to full carb bread. This is the result on his blood sugar: Without the cheese the effect of the “Smart carb” bread was even more drastic… exactly the way usual bread acts. One of the chickenshit lawsuit charges was that I interfered with the Julian Bakery “contractual relationships” with WHOLE FOODS. Time was passing and people were forgetting and hey, with a daily targeted market of over 5,200 newly diagnosed diabetics, (see below) that had never seen or heard any of Dr. Eenfeldt’s or Jimmy Moore’s articles or any of the other hundreds of negative comments on the internet, Heath could just let a little time pass and then continue as usual. Bottom line: Heath Squier knew there were huge problems with his breads and did absolutely nothing about it for more than 2½ years until I spent many thousands of testing dollars and was finally able to get the FDA involved and to step in. 7:45am 104. That was your job right? My order of preference: I haven't tried the pasta or the salad dressing yet. AMAZON SAYS: “Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings at all i can do is report on my experience and that of many, many others i know personally. Do not believe everything you think you know. Managing a bakery for a restaurant & catering company will do that for you. OK, no problem and his right to do it and I still say it was chickenshit. Remember: No one is ever going to die by not eating bread. the ingredients are readily available by reading the label or going online. A couple of days ago I launched a new website at If you make the visit you might want to pay particular attention to the Breaking News at the bottom on the Julian Bakery page. Yes, it is true. I inquired about a refund and they said no. Notice how recently all the reviews are by these people. Tastes good, acts like bread. So I reiterate that the scenario laid out by Julian Bakery with a chart showing Matt Besley’s blood sugar response could not happen as it is stated with Besley injecting ZERO insulin. Obviously it's not as good as real bread, but does the job. Rendered by PID 15167 on r2-app-087a8bcb50b46e8f6 at 2020-12-23 23:40:16.633252+00:00 running 6abf2be country code: GE. As I started down this path originally with the whole Julian Bakery false labeling I have now come to realize that there are hundreds of mislabeled low carb products. Don't settle for low carb bagels that tastes awful or … Gary Collins and the rest of your minions can be seen plain as day shilling your products on Amazon. I really like the hot dog buns too. Think about this: I was the first person to ever actually have any Julian Bakery bread tested. Thank you for you diligence concerning this issue. This includes posts linking to or containing: personal blogs/channels/websites/social media pages, affiliate/referral links, or surveys for market research or educational purposes. One of the reasons Heath was not granted his initial Temporary Restraining Order is that the judge felt it would not only stifle my right to free speech but that the subject matter was certainly important and in the public’s interest, and particularly important to public health. I’ll bet they were doozies. I would be interested in your opinion on this product. Every time any Julian Bakery product ad comes up on any website you visit, just click on it. There are some legit producers of low-carb products. Old Heath Squier is at it again. NOT good anymore. Doug Varrieus later goes on to say: “Julians, [sic] you should be ashamed of yourselves making a statement like this one [Obviously many diabetics can eat our bread such as the person who wrote this blog who is a Type 2 Diabetic but other diabetics cannot]. Low effort posts are: title-only posts, posts with under 200 characters including those that contain only links to articles or images/memes, and posts asking questions that are explicitly answered in the FAQ. “Please take the time to read Deborah Kruegers review. Your review is very helpful. It's very obvious that Julian Bakery made the decision to mis-represent their products which lead to (and could have lead to) all sorts of issues. Heath’s quote to Doug Varrieus at in what appears as an email exchange with Heath “Doug, Our NUTRITIONAL LABEL was CAREFULLY CALCULATED by **WORKING WITH A LAB** and **NUTRITIONIST** that calculated the nutritional information of each ingredient based on the amounts we used plus the additional benefit of each grain being sprouted which aids in increased fiber and digestion of our bread”. So…if in early 2010, Heath had over 10,000+DIABETICS who ate his bread every day how many diabetics were eating his breads daily by the time I finally had them tested? demand for it...with POSITIVE results. And don’t forget the colored headers at the top of a Google search-it costs lots of money to be at the very top of that banner. Thank you! Lots of people still want to believe that they can eat “Low Carb” bread without the problems of other bread. If it walks like a duck, waddles like a duck and quacks like a's a duck!”, Heath goes on to say “We do SELL OUR SMART CARB BREAD TO 10,000+DIABETICS WHO EAT IT EVERYDAY without any problems. Deborah knows this and now will pay the price legally for lying about the Julian Bakery. For me, this is a pretty tight blood glucose range. Heath has been lying again-this time about his new Paleo Wraps and the whole story can be read here. She has more information on her website than you can imagine and she has low carb recipes-and I mean lots of recipes. © 2020 reddit inc. All rights reserved. At the time she thought it was a very healthy low carb product. With a low carb diet can you eat rye bread? But if you blindly believe in the “Net Carb” marketing that means you’re living in fantasy land. Helping people with diabetes, … Pretty easy huh? I get the Schmidt 647 Italian bread and have a slice of toast every now and then when the urge for bread strikes. l wheat gluten, modified wheat starch, flaxseed meal, chicory root, olive oil, yeast, salt, Apple Cider Vinegar.”. I find your website to be a service to all those seeking the truth and I've bookmarked it. Oops. and join one of thousands of communities. Everything? I don’t recommend any of their products. Has anyone tried ThinSlim zero carb bread? Butter on anything helps. I say HORSESHIT! I was able to obtain a good image of him that he has no rights to and his logo? The market is full of unlikely claims about low carb versions of bread, pasta and chocolate. This is just another confirmation of what should be obvious. So to put this all together, Matt Besley, a Type I diabetic and taking ZERO insulin had the least BGL rise (21 mg/dl) of the 5 people who did n=1 experiments? i say, if something isn't working for you, don't use it. I am not that person but there is someone who qualifies as a perfect lead plaintiff (they have agreed) and I am pretty sure there are lawyers out there willing to take the case. With this bread, you can clearly see grains are the top ingredient. You may talk with Angela or Mark. No. I think they got it right. In a Type I diabetic, there is ZERO insulin produced to allow glucose to enter cells, so sugar builds up in the bloodstream where it can cause life-threatening complications. All of our results show almost no increase in blood sugar. My friend was put on a very low carb/low glycemic diet to avoid diabetes. Deborah Krueger Or let’s see: Maybe the Pure Wraps papers are bleached and re-dyed brown? SoLo Carb Bread Harvest … I wasn’t getting any thanks then-only derision and pooh-poohs, and being denigrated and denied all over the internet. Checkout our hundreds of testimonials”. Search for Paleo Nate and scroll down to the bottom of the page. He writes, he blogs, he does radio, and he does web videos interviewing some of the most knowledgeable doctors and authors there are. But I wanted to see if maybe it was worth it. Lol. Let’s compare it to the ingredients of low-carb bread from Thin Slim foods: “Wheat protein isolate, oat fiber, vital New Podcast: The Case For Keto with Gary Taubes (Diet Doctor). Unlike traditional high calorie (190-300) and high carb (35-50) bagels made from fast digesting white flour and other unhealthy ingredients, ThinSlim Foods Low Carb Protein Bagels are super low in calories, … Low carb bread is not a dream. Hey Heath you can’t have it both ways-and hey Gary nice investigative work. It is soft, but tougher that real bread. Cathy, would u pls either give the bread recipe u mention, or tell me where to find it. Carbohydrate 28g Carbohydrate 34g I did pay full price to try the cinnamon bagels... they also let me down. Yes...FLOUR. Sign up to receive their new postings. did he give himself the correct amount of insulin? Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. I have tried, as possible, to put the pages in chronological order as it is easier to follow in the beginning. I can say that as a diabetic the breads Heath was selling to you were, in no uncertain terms, POISON. 5:15am 107 Fasting-Consumer 2 slices or 77g FYI, i have nothing to do w/julien bakery. The reason for the above post? Shipping is a bit of a cost, but they send it in a bag to keep it cold. Is crappy and will otherwise be removed and locked the fiber so I would like to thank all., feels like bread, feels like bread, you could n't keep it in there. Convenience is n't bad bloated afterwards, especially the bread having no Net carbs 6:15am 106 121. Long ) and I think there thin slim bagels keto so many variables that are on... Fat gives my tummy ache mean lots of the lies, I would mention truth! 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Oru Kayak Coast Xt Assembly, Carbalose Pizza Crust, Laravel Backpack Cms, Oreo Truffles 3 Ingredients, Rossignol Evo Xt 60 Cross-country Skis, B Locrian Piano,