For one, I felt I could not, WOULD not, have friends over because they would see the one bed and wonder where I slept. It’s been a few years since you made this comment, so I don’t know if you will see this. Just Because she wanted to. She goes to her dad’s and sleeps on the couch she sleeps with my daughter who is 15 every other weekend this girl cannot sleep in her room by herself. Will parents be able to get it on at night in the privacy of … I feel my personal space is violated. I’m not usually nasty like this at all, I also hate to brag, but think of the teens, again like myself, who have no choice but to share a small bedroom with their mother, father, parents, whatever really. Studied child psychology and there is going to be many issues with the son in that situation and daughter shpuld not be seeing her father naked under any circumstances. He was my daddy, and the time we had together will always be kept very close to heart. 1 6. And what kind of step mother are you to call the 11 year olds bed stinky??? OMG Melinda seriously !!! Save them. Or does the other child get invited into the bed too, only to return home the next day & tell his/her parents?? :-)" Claudia G. had a similar experience: "I have a 13-year-old who slept with me until he was 10, now he's Mr. She thinks she rules the house and his disrespectful towards me. It is sick. It will be your fault as you failed to be a parent. Subscribe my Newsletter for new blog posts, tips & new photos. I have a 7 year old son who I have been trying to get out of my bed for 4 years now. For this I will never sleep in the same bed as my step son and if necessary I will move to another room to sleep. Bottom line is that at some point your child will NOT sleep with you any longer. It’s the same with my situation. Example: a family ski trip for five days Would you let them shower with you as well. You are hindering their development and making their life confusing. One of two things happens when parents do this to their children, they either never grow up or if they do grow up the kid becomes scarred for life and spend the rest of their life wishing they never had to experience this behaviour from their parents… Kids need structure, discipline and boundaries or they stay kids well into their adulthood and usually their brains never fully develop right after this. I can go to sleepovers and camps just like “normal” . When his son is with us, I have to sleep in another room so he can sleep with his dad. He would visit me on the weekend and it was more like a “sleepover”. My wife lets my eight year old step-son sleep with her. Ill then feel safe that he’s not on a floor alone (forgot to mention thats a huge reason) and ill go back to my marital bed. I also told him to either set her room up and get her a bed or tell her she can visit on his weekends but cannot sleep over until she has her own bed. Is he able to leave the house without his hand being held? She will find pout when she is bailing him out of jail etc. 1 day ago, by Mekishana Pierre Guide them, parent them, they are looking to you for that!!!! Same problem here!! I have a 49 year old boyfriend with a 17 yr old daughter who has the mentality of a 12 year old. Or camp? What do you want me to do? Create that separation in bed. I understand he is only young once, but as his mother continues to coddle him, he is having anxiety about sleeping alone, refuses to sleep alone when his with his biological father, has problems remembering anything, and has social skill deficiencies at school, at home, and can’t go to a friends for the night because he can’t go to sleep without his mom. Just another way to alienate them from their dad. I felt a bit weird, but It also was amazing feeling my young boys warmth, both of them close to me,pressed to me. You agreed with her. Love your comment Amy…well done you…i have got a little girl too and ocassionally we sleep together…i love being close to her, giving her hugs and feel her breath on my face. They use to had showers together. I’m from the Philippines. I speak from experience. This trend cannot continue as a boy matures and hits puberty. Pamela W. adds that you should not use your child to replace having a partner in bed: "you may want to consider what it may mean for YOUR dependency on his company in bed, and go from there in whatever choice you make. My kids and i in another room. Both my boys are well adjusted kids. Made me have issues see I fell off the bed at very young age so I got smothered. Everything you described is inappropriate to the max. But when my 11 year son went for a sleepover his friends mother co sleeps and she did when my son was there in the bed . Even meals they attached to each other. I lay on the floor until he falls asleep. Anyway, We are in the process of buying a house and I think there he will want his own bed. He is now 20 and cant keep a job. He has a great bed but moms is better. That’s ridiculous for anyone other than you and him to be in that bed. Then go buy hidden cameras. At what age should a child no longer sleep in their parents' bed? Your job is to set boundaries. I think there is something wrong with this situation! I’m not one to tell parents on how to raise their children but am unsure how to go about talking to her about Allowing the co sleeping and what effects it’s having on his and her relationship. Is there an age where a child should not sleep with mom or dad? They go on dates and eat out. My daughter and sone in law have allowed my granddaughter to sleep with them since birth. My stepdaughter is going on 6.she comes on weekends still requesting to slept with her dad and I.sge states she’s afraid though she shares the bed with her sister in my son’s room where there’s 2 nightlight. . They act like boyfriend and girlfriend. Stfu and stop thinking about yourself. Sometimes he would have a “friend over” or would just tell me I had to sleep in my own room because he needed some adult time. That is what this is. At all unless its with his mom or another woman. . My husband, (his father) wound up sleeping in my sons bed. ( WHAT ) does everyone thinks here of my ex wife sleeping with my son that is 11yrs old sleeping in the same bed in the nude both don’t wear cloths is this natural or is it consider child abuse? I believe this stuff should happen way before kids even become self aware.. it’s no wonder the world is so messed up. I slept with my mother and father in different beds till up until I was 12. . Learn how your comment data is processed. He can’t sleep over at people’s houses Cuz he needs to sleep with his mom. I made it a fun experience where I would sing to him a cute song and after the song he would get off. HE IS 10. Sadly he wasnt always able to be at home when I was little. Tuesday night she slept with him, not because of weather, just because it was his night… I think this whole co-sleeping thing is destroying his independence, his mental stability, and is forcing him to rely on others to sleep. Both my kids slept with my husband (their father) and me until both were ~8. And 9/10 I tell him I love him but he needs to sleep in his room. My son wakes up happy. He will not give her a second to herself, which is true, he can not do anything by himself or entertain himself in any way when she is around. It’s crazy, and super weird, & I believe ultimately damaging to my nephews near future. Not dad and daughter. He turns on the water get her pjs.I sleep in the other room because I toss and turn. And obviously, there comes a point in a parent child relationship when privacy should be respected and separation should begin. There are so many messed up kids today. Now is is better and Now we r feeling stuck. But it’s nice for us to get a little time for me to hug him close. I occasionally slept with my parents until I got ten but I had a really close relationship with them. He had a crib but it was never used. I love him so much and don’t want to be mean and just kick him out, but I worry it’s making him too dependent on me and not appropriate for his age level. by Mekishana Pierre I am engaged to a woman that lets her 10 year old son sleep with her regularly or if it’s windy or if it’s storming, because he is so scared. Jim Penman writes about this in his book Biohistory. She’s 11 his 56. My niece is in a similar situation as you were. I mean is it really necessary in the bedroom of all places, these people don’t actually care about the kids or they would never subject them to this passed a maximum of 1-2 years old. Any advice? So deciding when a child is too old to sleep with mom and dad becomes a judgment call. He would be naked, showing it all in front of his 11 year old daughter.. it was so incredibly uncomfortable for me to be in there while she is in there and he is naked, and it was no big deal to either of them. Our son does have boundary issues in my opinion and is severely dependent on his mother. This is what is wrong with the world today we let the kids do what they want an the parents are divorced quick because of this. Her son was 3 and just “wasn’t” ready to try. And since there are no laws surrounding an age when children shouldn’t sleep in a parent’s bed, this becomes grey area. For single moms this can be an easy choice, but if you have (or someday hope to have) a partner or spouse, that changes things. He thinks this is OK. (p.s. where did you get your psychiatry degree? ), that is probably a good time to introduce his options about his own bed, for privacy issues. Even slept with him durring holidays when I had plenty of time away from uni. Originally he was in every aspect of our privacy, he used to sleep with us nightly until I put my foot down and said if he is in the bed I won’t be. Like you know how they hop in the bed and go to sleep. 5. Also, I’m not messed up, I have straight A’s, before Coronavirus came to America, I worked as a receptionist at my orthodontists office, to help my mother pay the bills, and I’m not into any social media at all. Night wean first. 1 4 It was always weird, but I never said anything.. but one night, while me and my kids were over his place to stay the night, my 7 year old daughter started crying and not feeling good, and asked to sleep with us. Hi Missy – It’s not every night and I also like sleeping alone . Sorry for so many spelling errors.. obviously I did not do spell check! I am a single dad of two little 6 year old boys who are very energetic. But once maybe twice a month he does sleep with me. I could see if it was a one bedroom house and no other bed or bedroom existed, but at age 13 you can’t sleep on your own you will never be independent and mature. I’m that sort of parent, if a child trips on his/her own feet and starts crying, the look they get from me is enough to make them wish they never came into this world in the first place. The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, POPSUGAR. Or, on the flipside, how does a co-sleeper go to a friend’s for a sleepover? ", 3. Kisses her on the head softly 4 times. Should I allow is to break up my marriage and be better off alone? My dad’s friend, was a really awesome and nice guy, as was his wife. Or the camp counselor? I purchased him not one but two beds ( one twin closer to our room and a queen for his bedroom) hoping it would help. I’m up because my 11 year old son woke me up twice. 90% of such kids have devilish intentions already, as their plan is to see what mom and dad are doing all night. My kids older teenagers, doing their own thing. He comes and get in my husband’s and my bed if he wakes at night. Before I do this again, I just wanted other people’s opinions? My father-in-law broke his arm and is sleeping in a recliner in the living room since the amroundndccident roughly a month and a half ago and then four days ago we found out that my wife’s youngest sister was asked to abandon her own bed and bedroom and to sleep with her mother, which she was fully delighted to do. Really… Really? Privacy, independence, sexuality (exploring their bodies, realizing their parents need their private intimate alone time) being able to COPE with being alone. He has 50/50 custody of his children, so it’s not like he doesn’t get to see them. Now that the oldest has been turned against her dad & his family she has begun sleeping with the youngest daughter who is now 11. I want to address this with her grandma I find it so inappropriate that a grown man would allow this. My step son is 7 and still sleeps in the bed with his mom when he is at her house. namestae. He is just used to and comfortable with going to sleep w Mommy while we are home. Omg snuggle family wtf is wrong with you??? So hard to watch this permissive, spoiled behavior. I still always tried to sleep in bed with him, and occasionally he would me. She’s 3 & he’s 1 1/2. How will he survive in a world where you must meet and communicate with new people. I am not taking a side on this. Meanwhile, I cooked and cleaned every day from age nine onward and to this day, I resent all I was forced to do under complete tyranny, PLUS I couldn’t even have my own space. His father and I have no issues with this and eventually he will no longer ask to sleep with me, which will be sad for me but just because I’ll miss the snuggles. 2 days ago. As long as there is no sexual actions, no problem. Pls don’t act as if you know anything. I see most of you are women and you think it’s “ok” it my child and how dare you judge me. How to stop co-sleeping with your newborn to 18-month-old The good news is your baby’s sleep habits are still highly adaptable at this age, but to train your infant to be comfortable in their own bassinet or crib, you’ll need to be consistent about making sure that all sleep happens in that space. This is abusive, period. I’m so distraught. After that we turn off his light and one of us stays with him 5-15 minutes depending on what we think he needs for that night. He does go to friend’s houses for occasional sleepovers and he can fall asleep in his own bed, but it’s still a nightly pleading that I am faced with. When we told the it was kind of weird that the share a room and bed they got mad. I think it’s just about the weirdest thing ever and I don’t understand. If there's a magic age at which kids should be in their own beds, moms can't agree on it. What if your child has or goes on sleep-over, goes to camp, or goes on a trip with a friend’s family??? I agree these kids don’t know any other way and they won’t change as they get older One would assume that coupling sweeping argumentative statements with a smattering of recognisable industry bodies would suffice DeBora? Can you guys not hate me for doing research or commenting on this article like some other people (I’m talking about you dee dee) . No it’s inbred back woods way of life. (I have seen this to vary depending on the personality of the child but it is generally true.). But I really don’t know what to do, should I say something? The reason he doesn’t tell his friends is because in reality, it is none of their business. When a daughter has reached puberty (age 13) and she is now having a period and yet it still is the “norm” for her to sleep in her dad’s bed, yet she doesn’t sleep in her mom’s bed when she’s at her mom’s house is not only odd but creepy. The article believes that an older child sleeping with parents does not do enough to maintain a healthy separation between adults and children. You’re uncomfortable with sleeping with someone’s child………….. so it’s not about the “co-sleeping” but that it’s not your own. These children are basically raising themselves. He sleeps just fine at friends and other families houses. She is used to sleeping with someone and doesn’t feel that it is fair that you get to sleep with someone while she sleeps alone. I know this sounds creepy. Roxanne F. brought the issue of her "disapproving husband" to the Circle of Moms communities and got some great advice. Wow…the reason I found this thread was because I wanted to know if my 10 yr old son was the only kid in the world that still wants to sleep with his Mom! But to the family sharing the bed, all might seem cozy and completely non-sexual. I also don’t think it is healthy to keep interrupting his sleep every night to move to his own bed. Sleeping with your own kids is something advantage : Kids become open to talk about lots of personal staff/issues with parent hence they feel and see the love. When your kids are young, the convenience and security of the family bed can easily outweigh the negatives. She has already lost custody of her older son for indulging and not disciplining him and is devastated. He go an ac for the bedroom and I said Your son will want one in his room and he said why he can sleep with me .. Don’t damage your children. Our situation gets more complicated in that the child still shares parenting time with his father who has no good intentions for our family. I’m so tired of hearing parents say that their kid will decide, I’ve even heard this about potty training, after I told the mom we put my 6month old on a baby toilet once a day she scolded me. My 17 year old son has lived with his Dad since he was 11. Some people don’t have a clue of what the word Structure for a child means! We don’t mind him sleeping with us. So, though there are clearly some differences, you are not completely alone. They think it’s cute that he still wants to cuddle, but I think that baby part of life is over, and it’s time to prepare him for being a young adult already. Probably won’t want to take out the tray or Ave any responsibility either! You’re the parents that’s your child… during normal awake times is when you show your child affection not during sleeping hours. He likes to close the door when they’re in there together. He allowed it.. again. You are parents & your children’s brains aren’t fully develpied until their 21. Get out of that relationship, from my outsider opinion, it couldnt be more clear that something is very wrong, additionally he does not show you, your requests, or your children the respect of a ‘bed mate’. I live with someone and his 9 yr old daughter sleeps in the bed with us on the other side of him. I’m 13 and this may sound weird coming from a teenager but I haven’t been able to sleep lately, and then I go and wake up my mum and dad and see if I can sleep with them. Independent, and sweet and normal as can be. Is up to families how they whanna leave their live. And for the record, ALL parents should know that everyone from the American Academy of Pediatrics to the Mayo Clinic are against co-sleeping due to the hazards that it can pose to your child. My girlfriend lets her son sleep in our bed all the time. This whole topic has me shaking my head. I have a 10 yr. old daughter who loves to sleep with my husband and I when we let her. But I wish it wasn’t weird to still have him sleep with me. And he knows hee loved Even with the rules. None of these things hurt, beat, molest or abuse, so I really think you people who are so against it should use all your time and energy to find out who is causing real harm to their children and try to make a difference in that child’s life. 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